Digital Briefing and Social Media Trends for 2014

In December we participated in Digital Briefing 2014 to catch up with the essentials news regarding online environment and trend for upcoming year of 2014. It was quite hard to pick the most valuable information from whole day of inspiring and interesting presentations, discussions and briefings. Anyway here is the top 10 social media trends which are going to be absolute must in 2014.   

1. Mobile
Optimalization of website for mobile is going to be an absolute must. This means having responsive design (software which will make the website looking the same in any device) and thinking about how people interact with your business via mobile device. As a small business it's time to make the switch to a mobile site if you haven't yet, and think about ways that you can get in front of your customers through their phone. Yes, this includes Mobile Apps, SMS, and emails that are designed to be viewed on your cellular phone.

2. Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus
As Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ make it harder to get their pages and accounts found organically, getting your site right in front of your customers will be more valuable than ever. But do no worries, not only are niche sites highly targeted, they can also provide a much more affordable solution for advertising. In goral predictions are: Facebook will introduce new forms of highly targeted advertising, Twitter and Google+ will keep increasing, while Foursquare will struggle.   

3. Uncertain future of Foursquare
While there is more or less collective agreement social media will keep growing, forecast of Foursquare is quite contradictory and drives passionate discussions. Ones claim that niche social media will be increasingly more and more significant and it will be Facebook who will face problems while others object that Foursquare is too one sided and people will rather prefer “check-in” function of major platforms such as Facebook. Hmmm, let’s see.  

4. Blogging
Creating great content on a regular basis in order to improve your SEO and drive traffic to your site should be your number #1 priority. If you don't have a blog yet, it's time to start one. 

5. Spammy Content Will Be Eliminated Everywhere
It has already been happening on Google and now it's happening on Facebook. Spammy content is not going to get you anywhere, and the big sites are cracking down. Think rather about creating valuable content that resonates with your customers.

6. Google+ Will Grow Faster Than Ever
G+ might become new favourite social network. With the search benefits from Google and the increased user base, it's likely that your audience will be making the move from Facebook to G+. Being a step ahead of the game is a good idea. Plus, they are about to launch promoted posts (+Post ads). Thus, consider getting on Google+ as soon as possible.

7. Image-Centric Sites Will Continue To Rise
Instagram, Pinterest will keep growing and probably many more sites based around images will come about in 2014. While text is not dead, you need to think of ways to incorporate images into your strategy that compliment your written context.

8. Video Consumption Will Increase
Whether it's an educational video or an ad, consumers will look to video content to learn about businesses, brands and products. Video will continue to create meaningful relationships between business and consumers. Important to remember during video creation – it’s gonna be shared on social media platforms and watched on mobile device! 

9. Sharing Will Be More Important Than Ever
Social media sharing will be get ramped up and everyone will be doing it. While this is a good thing for getting your content shared, it also presents challenges to get found. The key here is to communicate to your customer directly and relevantly and you'll be found.  Plus, it's going to help your search rankings. So no worries and let’s go for it! 
10. Marketing Will Be About Adding Value
It's no longer about pushing yourself out there, it's about how you provide value to your customer that matters. Whether this is through blogging, video, or email marketing, in order for people to stay engaged, they have to perceive value.
2014 is going to be an exciting year. Regarding online marketing environment what was „should have“ in 2013 is gonna be „must have“ in 2014. Thus be sure to stay on top of as many of these exciting Social Media and Online Marketing trends as you possibly can, you won’t regret it!

How we launched KFC chicken speciality Qurrito

Přinášíme Vám snímky ze zákulisí tiskové konference v KFC na Andělu, kde jsme uvítali návrat Qurrita. Účast novinářů byla více než hojná a také jim náležitě chutnalo :-)

Here are several photos from the KFC press konference, which was held at the Anděl location. The Qurrito sandwich was warmly welcomed back to KFC menus! There were many journalists who seemed to enjoy the delightful Qurrito.

Ještě než novináři usedli do svých lavic, opěvované Qurrito jsme si nafotili. Náš fotograf, Štěpán, fotí sendvič, ale zároveň při tom osvětluje naší kolegyni Péťu… ty fotografové, ani neví, kolik toho najednou vlastně zvládají :-)

Before the journalists sat down in their seats, we took a professional photo shoot of our star – the Qurrito. While taking a photo of the sandwich, our photographer, Štěpán, also caught our colleague, Petra, in the frame – two close-ups at once!

Qurrito - tortilla, BBQ omáčka, kuře a lahodně rozteklý čedar – tohle vážně musí chutnat snad každému.
Bestí kolegyňky vítaly u vstupu do restaurace KFC nejen novináře :-)

The Qurrito: a tortilla, BBQ sauce, juicy chicken and melted cheddar – everyone should enjoy this sandwich! The BEST team welcomed everyone at the entrance, not just the journalists.

Roman Vojtek v roli moderátora to zvládnul opět skvěle! Díky, Romane :-) Tiskové konference se zúčastnili nejen zástupci managementu KFC - Libor Hubík, provozní ředitel KFC a Karolína Alaxinová, Senior Brand Manager KFC pro Českou republiku (oba v pozadí), ale také vítězný tým Petera Sedláčka, jež obsadil první příčku Soutěže restaurační tým KFC za rok 2013 z restaurace KFC Olympia Olomouc

The moderator of the evening was Roman Vojtek, and he was perfect! Thank you, Roman. The KFC managent team presenting at press konference were as follows: Libor Hubik, Managing Director, Karolina Alaxinova, Senior Brand Manager for Czech Republic (both at the back of the photo), as well as the winning KFC team of Peter Sedlacek from Olomouc Olympia, which won first place in a competition of KFC teams held in 2013.

K připraveným stolečkům usedla silná dvacítka zástupců tisku - myslíme, že jim Qurrito splnilo všechna očekávání!

About twenty journalists sat at prepared tables – and we think that Qurrito met their expactations.

Příběh KFC … Souhlasíte s ním?
The story of KFC – what do you think!?

A nakonec exkurze do kuchyně. Hygienické předpisy jsou hygienické předpisy, proto se z nás museli stát na chvilku „ti“ v bílých pláštích. Bohužel jsme nemohli v kuchyni pořídit více fotek - nám to ale vůbec nevadilo. Užili jsme si to i tak!

Finally, the tour around kitchen. For hygiene reasons we had to put these white coats on. Unfortunately, we couldn’t také any more photos than this, which was fine! – We enjoyed our tour around kitchen anyway.
Doufáme, že jsme Vám udělali velké chutě a přijdete Qurrito ochutnat do Vaší nejbližší restaurace KFC - ať Vám chutná!

We hope you’re craving a Qurrito now and that you are about to visit KFC to get one for lunch, or just for a snack! Enjoy your meal! Bon apetit!